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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"Live the Revolution" Auditions!!


" I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality."
-Martin Luther King

"The spirit of Revolution should always permeate the soul of humanity...Old order should change, always and ever, yielding place to new, so that one "good" order may not corrupt the world. It is in this sense that we raise the shout,
-Bhagat Singh


Colliding together the words of Martin Luther King, Che Guevara, Rigoberta Menchu, Bhagat Singh, Subcomandante Marcos, Emma Goldman, Malcolm X, and other important revolutionaries- Live the Revolution is a multi-disciplinary, collaborative piece out to explore the need for revolution and change within our own society.

All of these revolutionary figures went on journeys were they had to inspire, fight, and provoke while constantly revolutionizing their beliefs. The collaboration of Live the Revolution is a creative journey that hopes to not only challenge and stretch notions of theatrical performance, but to engage the theatre and University community in a dialogue about how to revolutionize our own society and world.

In this piece collaborators will be asked- what in world motivates you into action, and what saddens you into silence? What experiences have left you feeling empowered, unstoppable? What happens when someone fights or challenges your beliefs? How do you fight back? How do you resist? Revolt?

WHO is needed for the revolution?

YOU! Actresses and actors of ALL shapes, sizes, backgrounds, experience PLEASE audition!!

This process will be focused on enlivening text with body, voice, and image through a variety of physically vigorous techniques. Be ready to create, experiment, collaborate, explore and ReVoLt.

As well, anyone who has any background in puppetry, musical instruments, vocal performance, SPOKEN WORD POETRY, dance, or other performing/fine arts PLEASE come AUDITION!!!

WHAT to bring to the audition?

Prepare either one of the two sides provided, or a poem or monologue- you can bring present work that you have written yourself. Come prepared to move.

As well, please bring an idea of 3 things that you would like to change about the world. Feel prepared to speak about these 3 things openly.


The Peacemaker
The Radical (2 people will be cast in this role, one M one F)
The Performer
The Poet
The Warrior
The Icon
The Enigma
The Forgotten (2 people will be cast in this role, one M one F)
+ 2-3 ensemble members

Auditions are THIS WEEK, Wednesday and Thursday, January 27-28. Callbacks are Friday, January 29.

If you can't make the times listed, PLEASE email Katrina Dikkers or Rachel Pollack.