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Friday, January 8, 2010

Recent U of M/Guthrie Theater BFA Actor Training Program Grads in the Guthrie's Co-Production of "Romeo & Juliet"

Elizabeth Stahlmann, Will Sturdivant, Hugh Kennedy, and Christine Weber are among the U of M/Guthrie Theater BFA Actor Training Program grads cast in Romeo and Juliet, a co-production of the Guthrie and New York's Acting Company. Professor Mathew LeFebvre, Head of Design/Technology, designed the costumes, and BFA Theatre Faculty Member Marcela Lorca was the choreographer.

For more information about the production and BFA program, check out Graydon Royce's recent article, OnStage: The young and the passionate.

Graydon Royce's review of the production: A staging that befits the young and the restless

For more information about the production and to order tickets, check out guthrietheater.org.