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Monday, February 1, 2010

Charles Nolte Memorial Celebration Announced

The Charles Nolte Memorial Celebration will take place on April 26, 2010. It will be held at 6 PM (followed by a reception) in:

Rarig Center/Proscenium Theatre
University of Minnesota
330 South 21st Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55455

We hope that many of you will be able to attend the event to celebrate Charles's life and his immense contribution to the artistic as well as intellectual fabric of so many diverse communities. Further details will be announced at the beginning of March.

We have received many inquiries about making donations to honor Charles's contribution to the artistry and the intellectual life of the Department. There are two ways to make gifts in Charles's name, both of which will provide a unique opportunity to celebrate Charles's legacy: Charles Nolte Graduate Fellowship, celebrating the fact that Charles was instrumental in sustaining the MA/PhD Program both as an inspiring teacher, whose students are now successful actors, directors, theatre educators all over the country, as well as a generous sponsor of our academic lecture series; and Tretter Collection housing Charles's personal papers, including his journals, sections of which many of us heard him read over the years. Below is the information about the two funds.

Charles Nolte Graduate Fellowship:
Charles Nolte Graduate Fellowship
Fund #7505

Checks should be sent to:
Rochelle Emmel
Department of Theatre Arts & Dance
Rarig 580
University of Minnesota
330 South 21st Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Tretter Collection:
Donations online can be made at: http://www.giving.umn.edu/index.html
In the category "I Would Like to Support..." the Libraries, University option should be selected with the following information included in the "Special Instructions" section:
"Tretter Collection #6653, In Honor of Charles Nolte"

Checks can be sent by mail to
Katherine McGill, Director of Library Development
499 Wilson Library
309 19th Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
Checks should have "Tretter Collection #6653, In Honor of Charles Nolte" written on it.