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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Associate Professor Sonja Kuftinec Directs New Play about "Black October"

New play premieres worldwide this October

In Minneapolis Avalon Theatre 1500 E. Lake Street
Oct. 5th 7pm followed by reception and discussion with playwright

In the Middle East, is hope as fragile as life? In October 2000 a young Palestinian citizen of Israel, Aseel Asleh, was shot by an Israeli security officer while demonstrating peacefully in the Arab village of Arabeh. He died and was buried in his "Seeds of Peace" T-shirt. Culled from documentary transcripts and interviews, this is the story of his life, his death, and the values his family struggles to sustain, as told through the eyes of his sister, Nardeen. "There is a Field is much bigger than the story of one family," notes playwright Jen Marlowe. "It offers an important opportunity to consider the struggles facing Palestinians inside Israel within the wider Israel/Palestine discourse." The play, which juxtaposes Aseel's optimistic vision of a non-oppositional world next to the realities of struggle his sister confronts daily, gains further resonance in light of the current Middle East peace talks.

About the Minneapolis staging: Co-sponsored by In The Heart of the Beast and Bedlam Theatres, the reading in Minneapolis is directed by Sonja Kuftinec, a theatre professor at the University of Minnesota who worked as a facilitator at Seeds of Peace camp for several years. The reading features participation from a diverse Twin Cities community including Palestinian and Jewish Americans [Matt Carlyon, Jackie Koury, Elliot Leffler, Carra Martinez, and Esther Ouray].

For more information about the Global Call see www.donkeysaddle.org
