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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"Oil! and the Jungle" Auditions Announced

The 2011 Main stage production of
Oil! and The Jungle
Based on the Upton Sinclair novels Oil! and The Jungle
Directed & Led by Kym Longhi & Karla Grotting

Auditions for the Spring 2011 production of Oil! and The Jungle will be held on Monday, September 13th from 6:30pm-10:30pm in 20 Rarig and Wednesday, September 15th from 6:30pm-10:30pm in 10 Rarig.

*Callbacks will be held in a workshop format on Friday, September 17th from 6:30pm-10:30pm in 10 Rarig.*

Rehearsals begin Monday, February 21st and the closing performance is Saturday, April 16th. (Please see below for a more detailed rehearsal & performance schedule.)

If you would like to audition, please sign-up for one of the hour-long time slots on the basement callboard of the Rarig Center.

Students will be auditioned in groups of ten at the top of the hour. The first twenty minutes will consist of a group dance audition. The last forty minutes will consist of individual four-minute auditions (students will be free to leave after the individual audition).

For the solo auditions, students should prepare:

A) A one-minute piece integrating text & physicality
(Text from Oil! and The Jungle is preferred, but not mandatory)

B) A one-minute song
(A cappella or self-accompanied, if you play an instrument)

C) Any additional kind of special talent you wish to highlight
(Hat tricks, magic, acrobatics, etc.)


Copies of the Oil! and The Jungle script are available for 48-hour sign-out during office hours (M & W 12pm-1:30pm; TH & F 2pm-3:30pm) through Christine Swartwout (Production Stage Manager) in 580A Rarig.

RE: OIL! and the Jungle general schedule

The general schedule and rehearsal locations are subject to change.
September 13, Monday Auditions 6:30-10:30pm, 20 Rarig
September 15, Wednesday Auditions 6:30-10:30pm, 10 Rarig
September 17, Friday Callbacks 6:30-10:30pm, 10 Rarig

*January 10, Monday-January 14, Friday*
Workshop 9:30a-3:00p, 185 Rarig (Thrust Theatre)

February 21, Monday FIRST REHEARSAL 6:30pm-10:30pm, 20 Rarig

February 22, Tuesday- March 5, Saturday
6:30pm-10:30pm (M-F), 12:00pm-5:00pm (Sa), 20 Rarig
March 7-Monday- March 8 Tuesday, 6:30pm-10:30pm, 90 Rarig (Xperimental Theatre)
March 9 Wednesday- March 11 Friday, 6:30pm-10:30 pm, 185 Rarig (Thrust Theatre)
March 12 Saturday, 12:00pm-5:00pm, 90 Rarig (Xperiemental Theatre)
March 13, Monday- March 20, Sunday SPRING BREAK
March 21, Monday- Friday March 25- 6:30pm-10:30pm, 185 Rarig (Thrust Theatre)

March 26, Saturday: LOAD-IN 8:00am-6:00pm, Thrust Theatre
Rehearsal 12:000m - 5:00pm in Studio A (506)

March 27, Sunday LOAD-IN 8:00am-6:00pm, Thrust Theatre

March 28, Monday Focus on stage 8:00am - 11:00pm, Thrust Theatre
Rehearsal 6:30pm-10:30pm in 20 Rarig

March 29, Tuesday: Rehearsal 6:30pm-10:30pm, Thrust Theatre
March 30, Wednesday: Crew Watch, 7:00pm GO, all running crew called at 6:00pm, for orientation and paperwork, cast called at 6:30pm, Thrust Theatre
March 31, Thursday Tech Rehearsal 6:00-11:00pm, Thrust Theatre
(Tech meeting following rehearsal)
*April 1, Friday 3:45pm-5:30pm Afternoon Rehearsal, 185 Rarig (Thrust Theatre)*

April 1, Friday Tech Rehearsal 6:00-11:00pm, Thrust Theatre
Ready Room 45 - WIG/MAKE-UP reh (cast called6:30p-10:30p)
(Tech meeting following rehearsal)

April 2, Saturday 10 out of 12 TECH/DRESS REHEARSAL(10am-3pm, 5pm-10pm)
(Tech meeting following rehearsal)
April 3, Sunday 10 out of 12 TECH/DRESS REHEARSAL(10am-3pm, 5pm-10pm)
(Tech meeting following rehearsal)

April 4, Monday DAY OFF No rehearsals permitted. Theatre is being held for designers/shops.

April 5, Tuesday DRESS REHEARSAL 6:00-11:00p (7:30pm GO)
(Tech meeting following rehearsal)
April 6, Wednesday: DRESS REHEARSAL 6:00-11:00p (7:30pm GO)
(Tech meeting following rehearsal)
April 7, Thursday: Preview 6:00-11:00p (7:30pm GO)
(Tech meeting following rehearsal)
April 8, Friday: Opening Curtain at 8:00 p.m.

Performance Schedule:
April 8, Friday at 8:00p
April 9, Saturday at 8:00pm
April 10, Sunday at 2:00pm / photo call follows performance
April 13, Wednesday at 7:30p
April 14, Thursday at 7:30p
April 15, Friday at 10:00am
April 15, Friday at 8:00p
April 16, Saturday at 8:00p (closing performance)