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Monday, April 9, 2012

U of M Dance earns Kudos at regional American Dance Festival; Invited to Kennedy Center

U of M's Dance program scored major recognition at the American College Dance Festival Association (ACDFA) North Central Regional Conference at the U of W-Madison earlier this month. Department Chair Carl Flink's dance "Lost Lullabies" with its eight cast members: Timothy Herian, Eben Kowler, Germaine Lindsey, Uriah Mendoza, Alex Pham, Justin Reiter, Jeff Robinson, Elander Rosser was selected to go to the National College Dance Festival in Washington, D.C. "Lost Lullabies "will be performed at the John F.
Kennedy Center for Performing Arts, Thursday, May 24, - Sunday, May 27; schedule yet to be announced.

Also garnering honors, Twin Cities' Orlando Hunter, U of M student choreographer and dance major performed his own work "Mutiny" and was selected for the Regional Conference Gala concert presented on April 1, 2012. Chairman Carl Flink reported proudly, "Our students also presented papers the ACDFA as well. It was big weekend for the program and the University of Minnesota!"