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Thursday, November 10, 2011

THE WAR WITHIN/ALL'S FAIR: "funny, poetic, tragic," Nov-10-13 only!

One director calls it more of an event than a play. The Star Tribune calls it "Storming the walls of academia " (November 6, 2011 p.E3). International artists Dominique Serrand and Steve Epp were engaged by the University to work with 15 student actors to create a totally new performance which opens November 10, for one weekend only. The world premiere of this wild comic, poetic and tragic show represents a new way of energizing the U's theatre program, reports the Star Tribune. Sparking the imaginations of student cast, these two professional directors, formerly of the Tony Award-winning Theatre de la Jeune Lune and now The Moving Company were invited as "outside " pros by the Theatre Arts and Dance Chair, Carl Flink at the request of students. Epps calls the new work " a celebration of our national stupidities" which wrestles with the inner battles throughout society, between individuals and within individuals. Serrand seems intent of about "igniting students with the idea that they can make change" to transcend our national malaise and political paralysis.