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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

ATHE Award Honorable Mention for Professor Michal Kobialka

The American Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) Outstanding Book Award Committee has selected Professor Michal Kobialka's study, Further On, Nothing: Tadeusz Kantor's Theatre, to receive an Honorable Mention. The review committee, which included Stacy Wolf, Jim Peck, and Jonathan Chambers, found his nuanced consideration of Kantor's theatre thoughtful and moving. They were duly impressed with the ways in which Professor Kobialka study gets right at the heart of what theatre is and how it means. In the end, the committee is certain that his study will find a wide and welcoming audience.

Additionally, the committee reviewed well over forty titles this year. Also, Professor Kobialka's This is My Body: Representational Practices in the Early Middle Ages, was a recipient of 2000 ATHE Outstanding Book Award.

For more information:
The American Theatre in Higher Education Website: http://www.athe.org

University of Minnesota Press listing for Further On, Nothing: Tadeusz Kantor's Theatre: http://www.upress.umn.edu/Books/K/kobialka_further.html