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Monday, November 23, 2009

2010 Showboat Auditions

Triumph of Love by Pierre Marivaux
Directed by Peter Rothstein
Auditions for the Minnesota Centennial Showboat will be held
Monday, December 7, 2009 (7p-11p) and
Tuesday, December 8, 2009 (7p-11p)
with callbacks
Sunday, January 17, 2010 (6p-10p).

Specific information and sign-up sheets for audition times will be posted on the Rarig Production Notices Bulletin boards (lower level of Rarig Center by tunnel entrance). Auditions and callbacks for the Showboat Company will be held in Studio A, (506 Rarig)

Triumph of Love is being directed by Peter Rothstein, Musical Direction by Denise Prosek.

Peter Rothstein is the Founding Artistic Director of Theater Latté Da and was named one of the Star Tribune's Minnesota Artists of the Year. Other directing credits include the Guthrie Theater, the Children's Theatre Company, the Playwrights' Center, the Illusion Theater, Ten Thousand Things and the Minnesota Opera. He has been awarded grants and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, Theater Communications Group, the McKnight Foundation, and the Minnesota State Arts Board. www.Peter-Rothstein.com

Denise Prosek, Resident Music Director of Theater Latté Da, has music directed over fifty main stage productions and numerous private cabarets throughout the Twin Cities theater community. An accomplished pianist as well, Denise has performed at the Guthrie, Ordway, Children's Theatre Company, Chanhassen, Mixed Blood, and Theater Mu. She most recently served as Music Director for the IVEY Awards and for Hennepin Theatre Trust's Spotlight Awards. Denise was honored as Outstanding Musical Director by the Star Tribune in 2006 for Gypsy and in 2008 for Parade.

For auditions you should prepare two short pieces, one classical and one comedic. At least one piece should deal with heightened text (Wilde, Moliere, Coward, Pinero, Shaw, Shakespeare, etc.). Although two prepared pieces are requested you may only be asked to perform one of them; that is not a reflection of your audition, it is a matter of time. In addition, you should prepare to sing a song accompanied by piano. You will be asked to sing 32 bars, but be prepared to sing the song in its entirety if the whole song is requested. Please bring sheet music with you for the accompanist. Tape accompaniment or singing a cappella is not acceptable.

Rehearsals are slated to begin Monday April 26th. Rehearsals will employ standard U Theatre rehearsal times until Finals Week is over, when they will shift to a 40-hour rehearsal week. Rehearsals will continue into techs, dress rehearsals and preview performances, with the Showboat season opening on Friday, June 18 and performing Tuesday-Saturday until August 28, 2010.

NOTE: Because these are paid positions, there are further eligibility requirements that must be met in order to be cast in the Showboat Company. These are posted here and will also be available at auditions.

For questions, please contact Christine Swartwout, Production Stage Manager at swart073@umn.edu or Jennie Germain, Communications Coordinator at germa052@umn.edu