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Thursday, April 16, 2009

BIG LOVE Auditions Announced

Written by Charles Mee
Directed by Lisa Channer

Description of the play: Fifty brides flee their fifty grooms and seek refuge in a villa on the coast of Italy in this modern re-making of one of the western world's oldest plays, The Danaids by Aeschylus. And, in this villa on the Italian coast, the fifty grooms catch up with the brides, and mayhem ensues: the grooms arriving by helicopter in their flight suits, women throwing themselves over and over again to the ground, pop songs and romantic dances, and, finally, unable to escape their forced marriages, 49 of the brides murder 49 of the grooms-and one bride falls in love. About the same odds as today.

The entire play is available to all at http://charlesmee.com/html/big_love.html

It is suggested that you read it before auditioning so you understand the style in which it is written and the world it inhabits.

Auditions are Monday May 4th from 6:30-11:00pm in Room 20 and callbacks are Tuesday May 5th from 7:00-9:30pm.

An audition sign-up sheet is posted on the callboard across from the tunnel entrance in the Pit.

For May 4th Auditions:
Sign up for a slot and come with two things:
A song excerpt that is no longer than one minute in length.
A monologue excerpt that is no longer than two minutes in length.

Note: Everyone must sing for the audition (even if it is Happy Birthday) although not every character sings in the show so you may be cast even if your singing is less than stellar :-)

For May 5th Callbacks:
You will be asked to prepare sides from the play and there will be a group dance/movement audition. Additional information about the callbacks will be given after the initial auditions.

Questions? Chann006@umn.edu or 626.6617