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Thursday, October 27, 2011


"Fear and Loathing in Salem" is the Minnesota Daily headline today as The Crucible opens for a weekend run. The project comes from the sophomore class of the BFA/Guthrie Theater Actor Training Program. See www.mndaily.com/2011/10/27/fear-and-loathing-salem for the complete story.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Today Student Actors share the stage with best-selling author Dava Sobel

Today theater students, Alexander Hathaway and Joseph Pjfferoen, share the stage with best-selling author/playwright Dava Sobel to present with her a dramatic reading from "And the Sun Stood Still," her new play. Ms.Sobel is on campus today to introduce A More Perfect Heaven which explores how Copernicus revolutionized the cosmos. The actors will perform two scenes from her new play which is published as part of this new book. Sobel's talk with the dramatic reading starts at 7:00pm in Coffman's University Bookstore is presented FREE of charge as part of the bookstore's Author Series. It will be recorded and eventually broadcast by Minnesota Public Radio

MARCUS DILLIARD in American Theatre Magazine

In the current issue of the American Theatre Magazine (Oct '11), lighting designer and faculty member Marcus Dilliard, briefly discusses his challenging experience caused by the producing companies financial constraints while lighting The Deception, a 2008 co-production by Theatre de la Jeune Lune and La Jolla Playhouse. A striking color photo by director Dominique Serrand with set by David Coggins and costumes by Sonya Berlovitz shows actress Emily Gunyou Halaas bathed in brilliant light. This photographic image was also featured in a U.S. exhibition as part of a tribute to artists and companies that have vanished in the past four years. The text of Marivaux's The Deception was adapted by actor Stephen Epp and director Dominique Serrand.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Professor Robert Rosen's students using masks and techniques they learned in five weeks in his class recently performed in a creative collaboration for packed houses and wow'em.
Thematically centered around the idea of evolution, the performance was lighthearted and humorous with students" pretending to be animals, people and everything in between" reported MnDaily's Sarah Harper, who concluded this "grand tradition of script-less, narrative-less improvisation-fueled vignette-centric productions " proved intriguing and highly creative.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Theatre/Dance revamps prices:"No Longer a Bank-Breaker"

"U of M theater is no longer a bank-breaker," declares the MnDaily's A&E blog by writer Sarah Harper. "Most theatre events will be free, and any show that isn't free, students will only have to pay five bucks. And that's not limited to U of M students. Any student with any type of (current) student ID will be able to slam down an Abe Lincoln and see a play. Non- students will be charged only $10," reports the blog. And the same deal goes for dance events. Peg Guilfoyle, the Theatre Arts and Dance department's producing director explains," In an attempt to fling wide the doors of Rarig...we've completely revamped the pricing structure. " Great news for everyone pinching pennies and wants the thrill of experiencing live performance. See "the satisfying welcoming list of FREE events and information on the U of M'sTheatre Arts and Dance website suggests the Daily's blogger who knows a good deal, when she sees one.

You can read the full story here: http://www.mndaily.com/blogs/ae-blog/2011/10/03/u-m-theater-no-longer-bank-breaker