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Monday, August 30, 2010

Auditions for Undiscovered Country

AUDITIONS for minor roles in this fall's production of UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY by Arthur Schnitzler/Tom Stoppard will be held on Saturday, September 11th. This production is being directed by John Miller-Stephany (Associate Artistic Director of The Guthrie Theater). Rehearsals begin Monday, September 13th and the closing performance is Saturday, October 30th.

If you would like to audition please sign up for a time slot on one of the sheets posted on the callboard in the basement of Rarig. Please note that all auditions are on Saturday, September 11th between noon and 5:00 p.m. in the THRUST theater in Rarig. If for some reason you are unable to come during this time but would like to audition please contact Laura Topham (topha002@umn.edu) or James Meyers (meye0975@umn.edu).

Students wishing to audition should prepare a 2 minute monologue in the style of the play.

There are reading copies of the script available for checkout through Christine Swartwout in 580A Rarig.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Assistant Professor Diyah Larasati Featured in Deccan Herald

Dance Professor Diyah Larasati talks about her research in a recent article in Bangalore's Deccan Herald: Dancing against war.