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Monday, March 23, 2009

Dance Program Featured on A-List

Reporter Linda Shapiro featured the University of Minnesota Dance Program's Critical Mass performance during the ACDFA Conference, as well as their role in the José Limón Dance Company's performance at Northrop Auditorium in the City Pages' A-List. Check out Critical Mass: Professional Dance Companies at the University of Minnesota and José Limón Dance Company for the complete listing.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

BA Theatre Program Head Named One of City Pages' Artists of the Year

BA Program Head and Instructor, Luverne Seifert, was named one of the City Pages Artists of the Year for 2008. Check out the City Pages article for more detailed information.

Faculty Members Granted Institute for Advanced Study Collaborative Awards

Three Theatre Arts and Dance faculty members have been granted the highly competitive Institute for Advanced Study Collaborative Awards for next year. Director of Dance and Associate Professor Ananya Chatterjea received an award for her project Intersecting Performance and Social Justice. Lisa Channer, Associate Professor in Directing, received one for her project Embodying Gilgamesh: New Physical Language for Staging Epic Texts. Department Chair and Associate Professor Carl Flink will be working with Microbiology Professor David Odde on their project Choreography of the Moving Cell: Self-Organization and Catastrope.

Monday, March 9, 2009

BFA Grads Finding Success on the New York Stage

BFA Actor Training Program grads are getting rave reviews in the NYC-based Acting Company's production of Henry V, which tour started at the Guthrie Theater. It features Matt Amendt (BFA Class 2004) as the title character, with 11 other performers, including graduates Will Sturdivant (BFA Class of 2005) and Sam Taylor (BFA Class of 2006), playing more than 55 other roles.

Below are the list of reviews for more detailed information:

A Bang-Up Take on the Bard
By Frank Scheck, New York Post

Henry V
By David Finkle, TheaterMania.com

Henry V
by Sam Thielman, Variety

The King, All Grown Up and Ready to Wage Battle
By Charles Isherwood, The New York Times