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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"The Wiz" rehearsal blog is unveiled

The University Theatre has unveiled its new "rehearsal blog," which allows anyone to get a behind the scenes glimpse of the rehearsal process leading up to our April 11-19 subscriber series production of "The Wiz." Link to the blog and learn more about this musical production — where Oz is turned into a university campus — at www.theatre.umn.edu/thewiz

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Watch the "Peace Crimes Backstage" video documentary

Please take some time to watch "Peace Crimes Backstage," a recent production by Twin Cities Public Television about the Minnesota Eight and how they influenced the world-premiere production of "Peace Crimes." "Peace Crimes" was presented February 22 - March 9 at Rarig Center by the History Theatre and the University of Minnesota Theatre.

Media Mill Video