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Monday, December 10, 2007

Michael Sommers wins United States Artists Fellowship

Michael Sommers, an assistant professor in the Department of Theatre Arts & Dance and the new Interdisciplinary Program in Collaborative Arts (IPCA), was just named one of 50 fellows for 2007 by United States Artists. Sommers was named along with several notable artists such as Robert Woodruff, Bill T. Jones, and Ann Hamilton, as one of the recipients of a $50,000 unrestricted award.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Two Theatre Arts & Dance grads named "Artists on the Verge" in the Minneapolis Star Tribune

Namir Smallwood, a 2006 graduate of the University of Minnesota/Guthrie Theater BFA Actor Training Program, and Vanessa Voskuil, a 2001 graduate of the BFA Dance Program, were recently named by the "Minneapolis Star Tribune" as two of eight "Young Artists on the Verge."

Theatre Critic Rohan Preston wrote that Smallwood has shown "rare versatility" since entering the professional acting community, citing his roles as Jesus in "On the Open Road" at Penumbra Theatre and Byron in "The Watsons Go to Birmingham" at Children's Theatre Company (CTC). His upcoming work includes another role at CTC, this time in "Bud, Not Buddy" and in April, he will play Puck in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at the Guthrie Theater.

Dance Critic Camille LeFevre said of Voskuil "see one of her compelling performances, interlaced with surrealist sensibility and bracing intelligence, and you won't forget her." Her upcoming performances include shows with Stuart Pimsler Dance & Theater at the Ritz Theater; a performance with Live Action Set, which she is one of the founders of, in April at the Southern Theater.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

U of M theatre faculty shine at OBIE Awards

Lou Bellamy, Department of Theatre Arts and Dance faculty member and director of the Penumbra Theatre, won an Obie Award on May 21st for best direction for his staging of August Wilson's "Two Trains Running."

Matt LeFebvre, MFA Design & Technology Program director, was also mentioned for his work on the show. Bellamy's critically lauded production opened last December at New York's Signature Theatre, where it was twice extended. He won what is perhaps the most important off-Broadway accolade, the Village Voice-sponsored Obies, which have been given out for 52 years.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

U of M theatre students take on Fringe Benefits

U of M and area high school students are uniting to end LGBTQ discrimination with the Fringe Benefits theatre project. Learn more here.

Several high school and University of Minnesota students are collaborating to present their original play "the Punch ... or how I became an ally" in area high schools throughout April in an effort to end discrimination toward lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) youth.

The collective of students has worked since January to develop the project, which began with a week-long, intensive workshop between members of the community including U of M students, faculty and staff; District 202 youth, counselors and staff; Shakopee High School students, a counselor and the principal; members of the community at large; several attorneys; and members of the Fringe Benefits Theatre Company. During the week, the group shared stories and personal experiences, and improvised scenes that related to LGBTQ discrimination they had faced in high school. The workshop concluded with writing and editing an original script.

Since the workshop week, students have been volunteering their time, meeting nearly every weekend at Rarig Center to revise and rehearse the show, design and build the set, costumes and props, and coordinate a tour of high schools where the play will be presented. Participants have also developed a curriculum to support the production, including a study guide for students, an educators' guide, resources for continued discussion of topics surrounding LGBTQ discrimination, and information about starting LGBTQ alliances in high schools.

U of M student and project coordinator Xanthia Walker says "this is the first time the project has been done in Minnesota, and that the focus is to bring the it to suburban schools where LGBTQ alliances don't often exist." She says of her work, "it has been an amazing learning experience, being a community leader and facilitator. Though it has been challenging to get our program in schools because teachers and administrators are all so busy and this is a difficult project to introduce. We are still looking for more high schools to work with."

After months of hard work and lots of convincing, the Fringe Benefits project will take "the Punch"out on the road to local high schools including Roosevelt and Washburn schools in Minneapolis, Eden Prairie High School, Hastings Senior High School and Shakopee Senior High School. Performances are also scheduled for OutFront Minnesota's justFair Lobby Day at the Minnesota Capitol on April 19th and at Rarig Center on a date yet to be determined.

For more information about "the Punch" and its contributors, contact Justin Christy at 612.625.5380 or Justin@umn.edu. Project Coordinator Xanthia Walker and others involved in the project are available for interviews. The Fringe Benefits project was made possible through a grant from the Fringe Benefits Theatre Company in Los Angeles, founded and directed by Norma Bowles (http://cootieshots.org). Other supporters include the University of Minnesota Coca~Cola beverage partnership and Crisis Point Theatre Company.


The Fringe Benefits project is one of several outreach initiatives of the Department of Theatre Arts & Dance at the University of Minnesota, whose mission is to educate our students and our audiences about the performing arts, and about the social issues and human emotions the arts speak to so powerfully.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

More ACDFA success for U of M Dance

Congratulations to the Dance Majors performing at ACDFA/Regional American College Dance Festival in Milwaukee. BOTH U of M student Emily King’s ‘Better to Have’ and Cowles Guest Artist Uri Sands’ ‘Happy’ were selected by national adjudicators for the final Gala performance. University of Minnesota Dance is proud to represent at the North Central regional conference with dynamic student and faculty/guest artist work.

Monday, February 5, 2007

The Xperimental Theatre's Spring Season

The University of Minnesota's Xperiemental Theatre Company has an exciting spring season of theatre entertainment ahead. View their spring season here.

Fully planned, produced, and managed by students, the "X" is always ready to venture into a wide array of projects and upcoming events include an adaptation of the classic children's book "The Phantom Toll Booth," David Greig's "Outlying Islands," and a Senior Seminar showcase of work by graduating students in the Department of Theatre Arts & Dance. Click here for more information.

Friday, January 12, 2007

The Master and Margarita named Top 10

Quinton Skinner of City Pages has named "The Master and Margarita" one of his top 10 theatre productions of 2006. http://citypages.com/databank/27/1360/article15011.asp

Part of the 2006-07 University Theatre Mainstage Season, the production was the first mainstage production performed outdoors. Under the direction of University faculty members Michael Sommers and Luverne Seifert, "The Master and Margarita" was produced collaboratively by a team of 20+ students from the University's West Bank Arts Quarter. Read Skinner's full comments here

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Dance Revolutions opens February 2nd

Featuring choreography by Ananya Chatterjea, Pat Graney, Uri Sands and Anna Sokolow, the 2007 Dance Revolutions concert will delight you with its energy-filled examples of modern dance throughout time.

For tickets buy online or call the University Arts Ticket Office at 612.624.2345. Performances are Friday, February 2 at 8pm; Saturday, February 3 at 8pm and Sunday, February 4 at 2pm.